ABUGS10.ZIP 1261,467 09-24-94 ANIMATED BUGS v1.0 - is a board game foryoung children that is full of color, soundand animation. Garden backgrounds, mini-animations, and full-screen animations arefeatured. Two players can play the game (one
ADDALOT.ZIP 682,200 01-20-95 SIR ADDALOT 2.0 is LANDMARK's new math game!This arcade style educational game improvesaddition and subtraction skills as kids facedragons in enchanted castles. The Game has
AECT1F2.ZIP 252,729 10-22-94 ADVANCED ENGLISH COMPUTER TUTOR The BestProgram to Learn Advanced English. Fullycompatible with XT/286/386/486/PentiumTXT/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1+Advanced English Computer Tutor (AECT) is an
ATTACK20.ZIP 136,097 11-15-94 LETTER ATTACK An arcade-style typing tutor inwhich the player must defend the planet fromthe aliens. Words and letters flash acrossthe screen and must be typed correctly to be
AWARE119.ZIP 201,430 10-06-94 CULTURAL AWARENESS V1.19 <ASP> Educationalgame for cultural literacy - Two levels ofplay. At Novice level, the game is suitablefor sixth grade and up. At Advanced level,the game will challenge adults! Topics
CBOOK21.ZIP 182,531 12-20-94 Coloring Book Version 2.1! A classic child'stoy is now here for your PC. Coloring Book 2includes 10 pictures (35 pictures come in theregistered version.) The program supports 50
CHINA127.ZIP 197,661 10-06-94 WRITE CHINESE V1.27 <ASP> Program to teachbasic Chinese calligraphy- presents 150 ofthe most frequently used characters intraditional and simplified forms. Studentspractice drawing characters in a "nine-square
DAYM410.ZIP 310,825 10-01-94 DayMaster 4.10 <ASP> Program gives youhistorical events, births and anniversariesfor the day, a quote, and any reminders youhave at boot up or any time. Reminders can beannual,monthly,weekly,daily, range of dates,
DRDOO-12.ZIP 218,204 10-23-94 * Dr. Doodle VGA v1.2 Hi Res VGAmouse-oriented drawing program for ages 2 andolder. 16 drawing objects includingtriangles, stars, and diamonds. Kids can saveand load drawings without typing a filename!
DSPEL200.ZIP 1145,005 11-27-94 Dino Spell v2.00 Requirments: * Windows 3.1 *4MB RAM * Mouse * Sound Blaster (optional)Rex is at it again! All the apples and strawDerik's arch enemy, Rex the Tyrannosaurus! T
FLASH121.ZIP 308,071 11-02-94 StudyMaster Flash Cards v1.21 - Designed as astudy aid for for junior high, high schooland college students, this program is perfectfor computer-assisted learning.
GRADEP4J.ZIP 281,085 11-27-94 GRADE BOOK POWER Version 4.10 ASP Use eithertwo-9 week or 3-6 week terms per semester.Create over 30 different reports. Individualprogress reports include assign- ment date,
J_SPL20.ZIP 718,082 10-19-94 JURASSIC SPELLING, V2.0 <ASP> A fantastic newspelling program that really talks! Itfeatures sound-board or PC speaker supportand high resolution graphics. You can use theexisting word files or enter your own words
KID20.ZIP 797,919 12-15-94 Kidtionary v2.0 - Dictionary For Kids. Letskids learn new words by picture and soundassociations. Also includes a speller programthat displays words for the user to try and
LINPRO25.ZIP 446,313 09-27-94 LINGUAPRO/SPANISH v2.50 <ASP> - Large-scaleprogram for serious students. Rqrs PC, DOS,Hard Disk & 640K mem. EGA/VGA recommended.19,000 word graded vocabulary with sophisti-
MERLN105.ZIP 199,623 10-06-94 MERLIN'S MATH V1.05 <ASP> Episodes 1 & 2 ofthe Merlin's Math series- teachesmultiplication of multiple digit numbers, upto 5 by 5 digits, and long division. Statingas an apprentice magician, the student gains
MMT_V1B.ZIP 291,271 11-01-94 My Math Tutor. Interactive quizes andprint/view multiplication table from 1 x 1 to100 x 100. For Windows 3.1+
MUSIC102.ZIP 123,670 11-11-94 MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02 <ASP> Fun activitiesteach basic musical notation- Childen usemouse to enter notes on musical staff and canhear their compositions played on the PCspeaker. Children can save their masterpieces
OTD_201.ZIP 148,259 11-24-94 On This Day Version 2.01 <ASP> A program andcollection of databases to answer thequestion "What Happened On This Day InHistory?" Dates in 4 different calendars,"day of the week" calculations, Phases of the
PCCAI210.ZIP 945,416 11-05-94 PC-CAI 2.11 <ASP> Award-winning ComputerAssisted Instructional tool. Write computerdriven tutorials on any subject using color,graphics including PCX special effects,animation, questions and answers, menuing and
PHONICS1.ZIP 1231,736 09-27-94 The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM willteach children and adults the phoneticreading and spelling methods. Interactiveteaching method with graphic, music andvoice. This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and
QUIZ223.ZIP 125,688 11-26-94 CREATE A QUIZ - makes great quizzes! Can beused to create and take multiple choice andfill-in-the-blank tests. Teachers can createinteractive on- screen or printed quizzes for
SBBXMAS.ZIP 890,941 11-24-94 BILLY BEAR IS IT CHRISTMAS YET? VGA Educa-tional Multimedia program. Childrens storybook w/ animation, children's melodies, .CMFmusic & special sound effects. Human voiceand text-to-speech used to tell this
SKILLSP3.ZIP 250,800 11-27-94 GRADING SKILLS POWER Version 3.00 ASP Teacherdeveloped database designed for Outcome-BasedEducation (OBE). Printed reports of achievedskills can be used as an alternative or
SNSPEL20.ZIP 173,141 11-26-94 SHOW 'N SPELL-EGA graphic spelling bee! A funway for children (& adults?) to increasetheir spelling skills. Random pictures appearfor you to identify and spell. 3 skilllevels. Play against the clock. Imports
SPANH111.ZIP 283,717 09-27-94 Spanish Helper Level One v1.0 <ASP> ExcellentInteractive program to learn Spanish. LevelsTwo and Three are available by registration.The programs' interactive quizzing systemallows you to learn vocabulary rapidly.
VARG60.ZIP 721,930 12-21-94 VAR Grade Grading program v6.03A <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,unlimited students and tasks. You can weight,
VGW10.ZIP 1139,007 12-21-94 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.00D <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,
VORTX101.ZIP 490,785 11-14-94 Vortex v1.01 - the Machine Assisted ReadingSoftware. Vortex is designed to increasereading speed from the average of 240 words aminute to the limit of speed possible foreffective comprehension. A typical increase
WACKY.EXE 742,272 11-19-94 Kids Wacky Sound Box
ZPLR410.ZIP 372,123 01-01-95 Zpeller 4.10 <ASP> Spelling & VocabularyTeacher. Handles up to 19 students, studententers correct spelling & defintions for upto 32000 words. Performs 7 different types of